
November 16, 2010

De La Soul Needs YOU!

To vote!

I have decided to leave it up to you guys, the ones that will be actually wearing the skins, to decide what the skin tones are!

I have set up a voting board (No worries! It's free!) at the entrance plaza.

So please, take a few moments of your time and help me, help you by stopping by and casting your votes.

Voting is as easy to do as clicking a sign.
One vote per avatar per skin tone.

At the end of the week, (11/21/2010) I will take the tolls and announce the final skin tones.

I will only be making the top five voted tones, so if you like more than one, be sure to vote for them, but not all of course! XD

These tones will be used in the making of the Androgynous, Blurring the Edges, Skin line.

*Slaps it for being so small* Click to see the bigger picture!
For more information on that line, check out the previous post!

Let the voting begin!

Lerochelle Destiny

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